Please use one form per dimensions required. NOTE: If you submit more than one form for product quotes, complete all contact information on the first form, and only "Your Name" and "Email" are required on subsequent forms.
Provide all the dimensions of the endwall; the length, the partition width, the wing size.
Indicate stainless steel (16 or 18 gauge), aluminum, or diamond plate aluminum.
Please indicate if undrilled, drilled or countersunk drilled.
Please keep in mind for your freight quote that material 8' and shorter can ship FEDEX while anything longer than 8' will ship via truck.
Finally, submit your request and we’ll send back a quote ASAP!
TIP: Simplify your quote request by printing out this quote form to record information as you preview the various product catalog sections. You can email this form to us at or complete and submit the electronic version below.